The ProCut knife roller on the tractor’s front three-point linkage


The ProCut knife roller is a tandem type device consisting of two cutting rotors with a diameter of Ø 375 mm. At a 3.0 m width of the roller, 6 rows of obliquely arranged knives divided into 5 segments. The aggressively operating roller is protected against damage by four sections of rubber shock absorbers with a diameter of Ø 50 mm. The oblique arrangement of knives provides the even distribution of cutting force, and as a consequence, an even work effect. The rollers’ knives are arranged at the opposite angle, which allows to obtain a cross-cutting effect.

The ProCut knife roller is intended for intensive grinding of post-harvest residue after corn and rapeseed as well as green mass of aftercrop plants. It is also a very good tool to combat European corn borer larvae preying on corn stalks. The ProCut roller can operate at a speed of 5-20 km/h, and the recommended working speed is more than 12 km/h. The knife roller should operate with a depth not exceeding 3 cm.