Summary of cultivation simplifications implemented in eco-schemes
The requirement for the practice of simplified cultivation systems within eco-schemes is to cultivate plants on arable land using conservation no-plough or strip cultivation by: performing cultivation procedures that depart from the plough system in post-harvest and pre-sowing tillage or leaving all post-harvest residues in the field as mulch. Beyond the financial benefits (higher farm revenues from subsidies), following the "eco-schemes" concept can enhance the condition of our land, potentially improving the farmer's economic outcome. In conclusion, eco-schemes warrant consideration by every conscientious farmer. Even if the proposed activities seem progressive now, it is essential to recognize that global advancements include changes in agriculture, which will inevitably need to be adopted. Implementing these changes sooner and leveraging available subsidies is advisable. Rolmako machines, used in alignment with the Common Agricultural Policy, will enable high, stable, and high-quality yields, thereby enhancing the economic efficiency of our customers' farms.