The U 645 is a harrow designed for use in vineyards and orchards. Lightweight and compact, it enables operation in confined spaces where larger machines cannot maneuver. The harrow's working elements turn the soil, eliminating weeds, stubble, and plant residues. The discs are positioned at an optimal angle for increased speed and reduced fuel consumption. The disc harrow is suitable for superficial and delicate cultivation. Independent discs and rubber shock absorption make the machine adaptable for stony soils. It is an excellent tool for soil preparation in vineyards, promoting oxygenation and the mixing of organic matter.

Small specialized disc harrow
The ideal instrument for vineyard and orchard operations
The U 645 harrow incorporates all the features of larger disc harrows, such as the rubber shock absorber, angle of attack, and disc bearing. This machine's design is based on a compact disc harrow, tailored in hitch category and size to work with orchard tractors. The U 645 vineyard and orchard harrow ensures excellent penetration, even on compacted or hard soils, due to the orientation of the working elements and high pressure on the disc. It features a high structural strength frame with adjustable width. Independent toothed discs with rubber shock absorbers provide maximum adaptation to the ground profile, even in stony conditions.

Designed for compatibility with orchard tractors
Non-stop disc harrows for vineyards and arboretums, suitable for tractors from 40 to 100 HP, available in widths from 1.25 to 2.00 m, capable of operating at a maximum depth of 15 cm. Large clearance for optimal management of weeds or pruning residues. Designed for professional users performing inter-row work in heavy, compacted, or hard soil. Ideal for covering fertilizer. The U 645 disc harrow for vineyards and orchards can be aggregated with tractors of hitch category I and II.
Machine construction
1. Three-point linkage tower
2. Working elements
3. Bearing of working discs
4. PREMIUM working elements
5. Rubber shock absorbers
6. Tillage roller
7. Roller cleaning system
8. Mechanical depth adjustment
9. Solid oversized machine frame
10. Quality steel
11. Laser processing of sheets, tubes, and profiles
12. Steel shot blasting and powder coating

- Toothed disc with a diameter of 510 mm made o f boron steel 45-48 HRC, ZVL PREMIUM tapered discs bearings (lubrication every 150 ha for 3,0 m machine width), rubber shock absorber 40 mm x 180 mm and pipe roller Ø 500 mm. Smooth or fine toothed disc can be mounted at Customer's request.
- Discs with a diameter of 560 mm (boron steel 45-48 HRC)
- Discs OFAS Italy (hardness 48-52 HRC) diameter of 510 mm
- Discs OFAS Italy (hardness 48-52 HRC) diameter of 560 mm
- tapered bearings SKF
- maintenance-free AgriHub
- hub SKF
- String roller with flat bars Ø 460 mm
- String roller with cogged bars Ø 460 mm
- Packer cogged roller Ø 460 mm
- Tubular-ring roller Ø 450 mm
- Crosskill roller Ø 400
- Ring roller Ø 500
- Spring roller Ø 470
- Rubber roller Ø 500 mm
- Roller of steel rings 48-52HRC Ø 600 mm
Most frequently chosen accessories

Cultivation tools

Spring comb beam
The manufacturer optionally installs a beam with a spring comb behind the disc section, effectively spreading the straw across the field's surface and preventing large accumulations that hinder proper cultivation. Equitable distribution of straw is crucial, as it ensures uniform development conditions for the next crop across the entire field. The spring comb is an excellent tool that complements cultivation, providing optimal starting conditions for sown plants.

APV aftercrop seeder
We equip our cultivation machines with catch crop seeders in partnership with specialists from APV, who provide a wide range of catch crop and fertilizer seeders. The complete product range and available accessories can be found on the manufacturer's website ( Utilizing APV catch crop seeders on Rolmako cultivation machines reduces unnecessary travel. APV devices ensure precise spreading of catch crops and subsowing, even in the smallest doses.

Tillage rollers
Kneading, compacting the soil, crushing clods, and leveling the field surface are the final stages of cultivation, performed by the rear roller following the working tools of the cultivation machines. The selection of the appropriate cultivation roller significantly impacts the entire work process and the functionality of the cultivation machine. At Rolmako, we offer a variety of cultivation rollers that differ in shape, material, external diameter, weight, and, most importantly, cultivation purpose. The choice of roller depends on the soil type and the desired cultivation outcome. Rolmako provides expert advisory services to ensure proper adjustment of the cultivation machine to the working conditions.

The primary properties

The concept of a harrow for vineyards and orchards
- Mounted disc harrow with hitch adapted for orchard tractors
- Low load capacity for the lifter, durable machine frame
- Center of gravity near the tractor
- Individual suspension of each disc with optimal adjustment to field contours
- High throughput of processed material
- Maintenance-free rubber protection
- Minimal lubrication points
- Minimum adjustment points
- No need to set the angle
- Simple mechanical adjustment of working depth
- Low power requirement
- Competitive procurement price of the harrow.

Maintenance-free overload protection
Each disc is independently mounted to the frame using a 40 mm x 180 mm rubber shock absorber, ensuring consistent maintenance of the working depth, an aggressive cultivation effect, and protection against damage. Rubber spring elements allow optimal adjustment of the recessed discs to the soil contours. The rubber rollers prevent sudden impacts with their extended shock absorption path. This ensures the safety of the disc harrow frame and maintenance-free overload protection while maintaining the set depth.

Utilization of diverse disc variants
The optimized angle of attack is identical for both rows of discs, ensuring the machine follows the tractor precisely. The quality of the steel and the extensive experience gained through many years of production by the Italian company OFAS guarantee a top-quality product that has been approved worldwide. Discs with an aggressive tine are primarily used for working in fields with substantial straw. The disc tines facilitate easier machine penetration in challenging dry conditions. Smooth and fine-toothed discs are designed for shallower pre-sowing cultivation. The ALFA disc delivers excellent results on stubble after corn harvested for grain.

Longest lifespan of disc bearings
Wyeliminowano konieczność konserwacji piast, co ogranicza potrzebę utrzymania ruchu oraz pozwala oszczędzać czas. Standardowe piasty mogą zostać zastąpione oryginalnymi bezobsługowymi SKF, które oferują trzykrotnie większą trwałość eksploatacyjną w stosunku do innych rozwiązań. Jakość SKF to poprawa niezawodności, podniesienie wydajności oraz obniżenie kosztów pracy. Trwałość eksploatacyjna piast SKF osiąga poziomy wielokrotnie wyższe niż w przypadku konwencjonalnych łożysk, co można uzyskać stosunkowo niskimi kosztami posiadania i eksploatacji. Wykonana w 100 % ze stali łożyskowej piasta pozwala na optymalizację czasu pracy maszyny bez przestoju oraz ogranicza koszty serwisowania maszyn rolniczych.

Utilization of diverse disc variants
The optimized angle of attack is identical for both rows of discs, ensuring the machine follows the tractor precisely. The quality of the steel and the extensive experience gained through many years of production by the Italian company OFAS guarantee a top-quality product that has been approved worldwide. Discs with an aggressive tine are primarily used for working in fields with substantial straw. The disc tines facilitate easier machine penetration in challenging dry conditions. Smooth and fine-toothed discs are designed for shallower pre-sowing cultivation. The ALFA disc delivers excellent results on stubble after corn harvested for grain.

Roller bearing units
By incorporating maintenance-free bearings into the tillage rollers, we minimize the required machine maintenance time. The ductile cast iron housing is four times more durable than its grey cast iron counterpart. The combination of top and internal sealing offers superior protection for agricultural use. Rolmako prioritizes the smallest machine elements in every project, significantly impacting maintenance time and reducing the costs and duration of agricultural equipment inspections.

Steel offering a competitive advantage
Increasingly larger and more powerful agricultural tractors subject the structural elements of agricultural machinery to significant stress, pushing them to their operational limits. Modern agricultural structures are expected to demonstrate high resistance to loads and an extended service life. Achieving a high-quality end product necessitates the use of superior-quality steel in production. Accordingly, we utilize high-quality Swedish fine-grained steels S500MC and S700MC, as well as carbon and boron steels for heat treatment and the wear-resistant Hardox. The use of these high-quality steel products ensures our agricultural equipment is highly durable and capable of operating at high speeds with high surface efficiency.

Oversized agricultural structures
Rolmako tillage machines distinguish themselves from competitors due to their superior weight. The company's development team designs agricultural equipment to endure the most challenging working conditions. Rolmako machines efficiently cultivate land in demanding regions worldwide without requiring additional loads. The substantial amount of steel in their construction makes these tillage tools robust, enabling the utilization of high-power modern tractors and ensuring long-term farm investment.

Various configurations available
Extensive export experience has enabled us to craft an offer aligned with customer expectations. Numerous configurations and additional agricultural equipment options allow us to adapt the device to specific field conditions. Years of dedicated efforts by Rolmako employees in enhancing the company's products ensure we deliver the highest quality products to the most remote regions, where they have proven effective in diverse soil systems.
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