Cultivation technology is essential for plant growth, weed control, and comprehensive soil and water protection. Ultra-shallow cultivation is a method that cuts the entire cultivated profile to a depth of only 2-3 cm. It can be a component of both ploughing and conservation cultivation.

Ultra-shallow tillage enhances soil biology

Shallow cultivation (typically 2 to 5 cm deep) significantly affects the soil's physical properties, thereby altering conditions for root growth and biological activity compared to traditional ploughing (usually 25 to 30 cm deep). A major issue with traditional cultivation is its detrimental impact on soil structure, which supports biological activity and plant growth, subsequently enriching the soil. This concept, supported by research, is widely communicated by experts to raise farmer awareness regarding the effects of traditional cultivation on soil health. The objective of optimal cultivation is to enhance soil structure, accomplished by reducing cultivation depth. Shallowly cultivated land improves water infiltration and provides ample space for root development.

Improved soil structure

To maintain long-term soil fertility, it is essential to protect remaining water resources. Ultra-shallow cultivation after grain harvest helps minimize evaporation, retain soil moisture, and shield the soil from heating and erosion. This method preserves soil life, particularly earthworms, and aids in crop residue decomposition when the soil is re-wetted. During heavy rain, a mulch layer effectively prevents soil washout, allowing rainwater to penetrate the soil's intact capillary system and replenish its water reservoir. Additionally, this cultivation method boasts extensive surface coverage by machinery and low fuel consumption.

Effective weed control

It is crucial not to deeply bury weed seeds immediately after harvest, as they tend to go dormant and then reawaken at undesirable times. The same principle applies to retaining moisture in the soil after harvest: the shallower the cultivation, the more likely it is to ensure the necessary moisture for seed germination. Therefore, in subsequent growing seasons, stubble should be managed promptly after harvest, but as shallowly as possible, depending on the available farming equipment, to achieve the intended effect, limit weeds, and reduce cultivation costs. This practice saves fuel and preserves soil moisture.

A responsible approach to soil cultivation

Shallow soil cultivation will increasingly replace traditional methods annually. As a machine manufacturer, our objective is to provide farmers with reliable, up-to-date equipment. Rolmako focuses on ecology while ensuring maximum yields for its customers. Ultra-shallow cultivation improves results at lower costs due to less soil turnover. Aligning with plant biology reduces chemical costs and enhances field hygiene. Additionally, better crushing of crop residues accelerates mineralization. Rolmako designs innovative cultivation machines that enable particularly water-saving, soil-friendly, and economical land preparation for the next crop, ensuring farms' future success and profitability.